Sunday, June 21, 2009

Carrie - He's Acting Weird

My BF Adam(27) & I(26) have been dating for 3 years. Lately, he's been acting really strange. He's not affectionate, doesn't want to have sex, and hardly comes over. I spoke to him about it and he says he's working a lot and for me to have patience. Any ideas of what I should or what is going on? I'm at a loss.

A couple things come to mind. First, and not to jump to a bad conclusions but could he be cheating? Do you guys live together? How long has this been going on?
Second thought maybe he is working.. Maybe he's planning something hint hint and trying to save up some extra cash.. There could be a lot of things. I think what you need to do is sit down with him and have a nice heart to heart. You can tell a lot about what is really going on by the way he speaks to you. Does he make eye contact? Is he getting red in the face?

Have a talk with him you'll learn a lot about what's going on through that talk. Pay attention to the signs. If he is cheating the signs have been there but you weren't looking for them.. Sounds to me that maybe he is working a lot. Hope it works out for you.

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