Saturday, December 20, 2008

My first fan letter!

I love your blog. But I have to say this one isn't as good as past blogs. I'm also in Indianapolis. I must say you're very beautiful. Do you write about your life or just about topics??
Are you dating anyone? If not I'd love to take you out sometime. I'm 31, tall, tan, single, no kids. I'll email you my picture.. Is Jules you're real name? Or just a pen name?

Email me back.

Hi Brian:
Thank you for the wonderful compliments. Sometimes I write about my life, sometimes just whatever strikes me.
To answer your question, yes I am dating someone. I have an amazing boyfriend, who I have to admit I am a little head of heels for. He's pretty great. For now, I'll have to pass on dinner. But thank you for the invitation.


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