Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Tragic Words

Wow, its been a while. I haven't written anything in months.. I think I've really missed it. Here it goes..

I'm a strong women. I can do anything, be anything I want.. then why can't I turn my brain off? I wish I could be one of those people who did not internalize everything. Sometimes I wish I could be oblivious to the world and not worry about the day to day things. I wish I didn't always put others feelings ahead of my own. Damn, I wish I wasn't this smart.

The problem.. Well.. As we all know I have trust issues. I always expect the worst in people. I guess so I won't be surprised when they disappoint me. Men, as with most women are the root of most problems. Well not men in general, just the men we have relationships with. I let go of the good ones and keep the ones that aren't good for me.. I often wonder, how do so many women fall into this trap. My last two relationship have started off perfectly. We adore each other, enjoy each others company, have a great time together.. then the bomb is dropped. What the hell!

When do you decide enough is enough. Do you hang around and get hurt now or delay the inevitable? It's an interesting plight. But when emotions are involved do we ever think clearly? I've decided that everything gets messed up when one says those three tragic words, " I love you." Oh how many hearts have been broken by simply using that phrase..

When you know your current situation/relationship is not going to end well; and you know there is absolutely zero chance of escaping without getting hurt, what do you do? Do you continue to holding on to "I love him" or do you look at the reality of it all and realize you are worth more and walk away? When is enough, enough??????

After thought.. How do you know if he really loves you back?????

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